
By tribal

le carrefour

This morning I went to Lanvollon for the Anglo-French discussions. I was given a French magazine by a lady, and a historical book by a man on our table (he`s the author of the book about English naval boats coming to Paimpol in the 1500s). Nice people :-)

Shopping this afternoon, then responding to emails and website adminstration (including dealing with a booking for another workshop in Ireland later this year) for the rest of the afternoon before walking up to meet Alice. She`s been wanting to plant flower seeds, so we bought compost today.

I took this photo walking up to meet Alice. It`s a crossroads in the centre of the village, opposite the café. The building is a private house, but I think it was once the Mairie which is now a modern building just a few yards to the left.

After school, Alice and I planted a lot of the seeds, some in pots on the terrasse, and others around the edge of the garden. She had help to water them from Nicolas.

Nicolas asked me if Alice would "passer" to CE2 (next year`s class). It seems it`s a significant event to be told whether a child will progress to the next step, or whether to re-take a year ("redoublement"). When I said I didn`t know, he told me to look at the sheet in her bag. I rushed to it! Yes, "passage en classe de CE2". Hurray! That means she has managed to catch up with her peers - and she started the year without any French! Fantastique. Her teacher also wrote (my translation) "steady progress in French, a very positive attitude in class, strength in maths". Woo hoo! Bravo Alice!

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