Birthday celebration day 2

It was up early to get all our jobs done before the guests started arriving.  Apart from a couple of spots of rain it stayed dry although the grey clouds that came over did look very threatening. It’s just a shame we didn’t have the sunshine of Friday or Sunday.

O had a great time playing in his little ball pit, sitting on his dinosaur, being pushed in his police car, playing under the parachute that his Auntie Bex brought over and eating lots of food. Crawling all around the garden he got absolutely filthy…. A sign of having a good time. 

The great thing for us is that he is staying for a sleepover. Not just one night but three whilst his mummy and daddy have a few days away to celebrate his daddy’s 30th birthday ~ they are off to Bath although Sim doesn’t know where he is going.  

I like this pic of him with his Uncle Josh and an extra collage of the day. Oh, and just look at the cakes that Nat made for him.  He just loves his bath time so that was the theme of his delicious lemon cakes.

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