Electronic Ears

'Electronic Ears' is the name of the radio show that I started in, I think, June 2012. I did around ninety shows for Indigo FM, which then closed down (due to an administrative error with the licence!). The show was later picked up by Cando FM and, at the time of writing, I've done 298 shows for them.

It's a happily amateur affair: I record it on my laptop, using Adobe Audition, and then upload it to the radio station's Dropbox folder, from where it is picked up for broadcast at 8pm on a Sunday.

But, amateur though it may be, I'm generally pleased with the music choices. Each week I have to find ten or eleven new songs to play, and although that's occasionally a stress, it does keep me listening to new music and I really do enjoy that.

Anyway, for some reason, last year I got it into my head that it would be nice to have some 'merch', although I was rather hamstrung by the lack of a logo. The Minx to the rescue! Thus, I was able to have some t-shirts screen-printed and, now, some enamel pin badges made.

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