The Pineapple

The overnight at the Kelpies was surprisingly quiet. It didn’t seem like we should go straight home so it was a toss-up between the Pineapple, Falkirk Wheel or Rosslyn Chapel.

We decided the Wheel would require more time and might be of interest to the grandchildren, and as the Chapel is quite near our usual route north, it would have to be the Pineapple. Mr C was apprehensive as the trees along the narrow entrance drive had low-hanging branches, meaning there was a possibility of roof damage to the van. We knew there was limited parking but didn’t expect it to be busy at 10 am on a Monday. We’d not realised that the surrounding woodland was a popular spot for dog walkers and the few parking spaces were already taken. We managed to turn and park along the road where there was enough space for us without impeding others. It was raining so our visit was brief - there was only the outside to look at plus a beautiful garden of trees in blossom.

We were home in time for lunch then spent the rest of the day clearing out the van and putting on washing. And making a food shopping list - #2 daughter and family are arriving after work on Friday. She’ll be looking for some mother-spoiling after having a hectic few weeks at her both new jobs. She was lecturing on Friday and today. Also #3 is asking if they can all come on Saturday and stay over. We are leaving early on Monday for London so I’ll need to be superMum.
Now I’m feeling spoiled and lucky - #3 son-in-law has offered to cook on Saturday. (Mr C thinks that’s great if we want to eat at midnight - Luke is nor the speediest but it’s always beautifully done, so tough Mr C)

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