Local Windmill, Nieuwerkerk

Extra 1 = the miller himself, who gave me an inside tour; he posed beside a sculptured piece of art. The miller explained to me that this particular millstone is an artwork.  I thought it was the real thing, and he said it was not.
(Surely, after 245 windmills and 33 years here, I know what a millstone is?)
Extra 2 = jars of grain, showing the stages of getting ground till you get flour

The windmill has no name, and the value has gone done considerably because it is enclosed by the surrounding houses, but it's still a pretty mill to look at.

Fabulous weather!  Some clouds, but they weren't threatening at all.  Didn't rain till late in the evening, so that was okay.

The afternoon was spent with AW.  We picked up the 6 boxes of new floor tiles from the shop.  The workman who worked on the kitchen last year will check if he has time next week or the week after.  After that, went to town to pick up 7 placemats I had had made last week, from some pretty mini-posters I had collected from some of our travels, and AW passed by his homeopathic herb shop for some 'relief stuff'.  In the evening, his new bridge partner, Beau, picked him up for a tournament at the clubhouse, but apparently not everyone had been notified in time, so turn-out was a lot less than expected, which led to the cancellation of the tournament, so AW was back sooner than I had expected.  He returned while I was in the middle of my weekly ZOOM meeting, which went well, but I do owe my fellow group members some written feedback.  As you might guess, there wasn't much time for MOOCking, or gaming, but that is perfectly fine with me.  Hand-washed laundry, supermarket errands on foot, and kitchen duties in between.

A very full day.  Late in the afternoon, just before he started cooking, he said that I shouldn't feel obligated to be happy, it's not a duty.  I said that I had perhaps used the wrong words, that 'obligation' was not quite it.  I told him that I've discovered that happiness is often a choice.  There's a lot to worry about, or be concerned and anxious about, and it's easy for my rewired brain to get into that spiral again, and I simply owe it to myself not to fall back on that old routine.  I'm kind of obligated, to myself, to choose positivity above despair.  Wrong choice of words, maybe, but I think I understand myself anyway.  I think he got it, too.

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