Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Hello World

Blip World that is…………
Firstly my heartfelt apologies for being “Missing in Action” for so long.  It has been my loss because I really do miss the wonderful interaction with so many blippers around the world.  Today was a good day to start blipping again and I’m going to make a big effort to blip every day.

My blip buddies know how much I love to make my Date and Lemon Scones, well this batch today was probably the most important batch I have made.  My old Rotary Club is working on producing a recipe book in memory of one of my great friends, Irene Reid.  Irene was a fantastic cook and a huge support to her husband Bob who is affectionately known in this part of the world as “Mr Rotary”.  There would be no way of calculating the catering contribution Irene made to Rotary in her lifetime or the service that she gave to that great organisation.  I am very honoured as a Past President of the Club to be included in the book and of course it had to be the Date and Lemon (and of recent times) Ginger Scones.  I delivered my batch to Bob in Katoomba today.  The Cook Book Team were doing a photo shoot of some of the recipes and I was asked if I could manage a batch.  I was able to preview images that had already been taken of many of the recipes that have been contributed, including some of Irene’s favourites and famous.  Bob was happy to pose with me for my blip and I’m really looking forward to seeing the finished product.  David Wallace is the genius photographer who is taking all of the images for the book.  He is incredibly talented and I was absolutely blown away by the images so far.

Irene and I used to have an ongoing rivalry when it came to our scones and Banana Bread creations.  There is no way I could have cooked Banana Bread for the book, I’m secretly going to admit to anyone reading my blog today that Irene would have beaten me hands down on that one.  Her Banana Bread was legendary.

I’m happy to report that all is wonderful in my world at Wombat Hollow.  Mauzee and I have been beavering away over the past three months and doing a lot of work around the property in general.  We have actually just reached the stage of having completed most of our projects and the place is looking pretty good (in my humble opinion).  This has been achieved because honestly, Mauzee is one of the most creative people I’ve ever met and she is constantly inspiring me with her ideas.  It’s great to have her enthusiasm driving her and me to try and realise the full potential of the glorious property that we are so blessed to own.

To all of my blip buddies around the world, I hope you’ll forgive my absence and I look forward to being the best blipper I can be in the future.  In these uncertain times it’s so great to know that blipfoto continues on and appears to be going from strength to strength.  A big hug is coming your way.  

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