Mint Moth

A changeable day - both weather and mood wise!  Cloudy and windy weather this morning, and I was all calm and chatty for the visit of our hairdresser who was waxing lyrical about her new puppy - I had hoped she'd bring it along with her but I think she was scared I'd keep it!  Then delivered a card to a friend celebrating her 50th so had a nice chat with her.

And then sunshine and warm temperatures this morning, still windy though, and I did a spot of gardening which is normally my moment of tranquility... not today! Everything I kept doing kept going wrong so there may have been the odd muttering of swearing!! Planted out yet more sweet peas...... I really need to sow less to begin with! - and the obelisks kept falling over, plants kept breaking..... I've now retreated indoors to hopefully calm down a little and finish off out there later!!  I'm blaming the date..... LOL!!

Gorgeous little mint moth kept me company though!  A night of TV and cross stitch lies ahead 

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