River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: Borage and Buttercup

I was trying to decide whether to go to the Steam Show but thought it was time that the garden had some attention:
Tidied up the side of the greenhouse where I have the compost for seedlings & potting on
Watered the plants I’d collected together for my friend at Castle Garden, we’ve had rain but the wind has dried all the pots out.
Potted on cucumbers, mixed tomatoes from Cottage Garden Society seed swap, courgettes, the solitary marrow and the mixed salad leaves, also started off a few pots of Beetroot "Renova" (free with magazine!) for salad leaves - if they germinate well I’ll start off more for winter veg crop.
Whilst I was drinking a cup of tea a Red Kite flew over with a pair of crows “annoying” it, birds of prey are not tolerated by other large birds around here!
Lots of bumble bees in the garden, favourite flowers now are Aquilegia :-) they have enjoyed the Borage too and as the Buttercups are coming into flower there’ll be no shortage of plants for insects to forage on!
Lovely FaceTime with our little granddaughters and their Mam and Dad, eldest a little under the weather - yesterday's heat?
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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