River of Flowers

By doffy

Saturday: Soggy

Rained all morning and brighter after lunch.
Washing hung outdoors and I did some gardening, so as to monitor the weather!
Planted out assorted lettuce plants into the tub that had the shallots.
Potted on Cosmos seedings and Wild Sea Cabbage.
Just as I was clearing the gardening gear away the rain arrived, quick rush to get clothes indoors ... MrD made us a Panad (cuppa) and I watched some TV until it was time to make dinner!
Rain was torrential, no need to water the transplanted seedlings.
Took a quick snap of a very soggy dandelion seed head - been admiring photos on Blip and Twitter of these seed heads, maybe I’ll take another one in the sunshine - if we get any!?
Hope your Weekend is going well!
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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