Penguin Droppings

By gen2

No Sting in the Tail

. . . but their pincers deliver venom.

Today, I opened a cupboard I rarely have reason to go in and saw three moths so I had to investigate further.
In the back corner was a cardboard packet of lasagne with a use-by date of 2016!  It had been well munched through by the moth larvae but in the process had opened up a whole new ecosystem.
As well as the moths, there were silverfish, Lepisma saccharinum, pseudoscorpions (aka false scorpions) and booklice (Psocids).

My blip is of two of the house pseudoscorpions, Chelifer cancroides.  They are probably only nymphs as they were only just over 1mm body size.

They are harmless to humans as they feed on the Psocids.

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