Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit

Purple Iris

After yesterday's magical day in the woodland, today back to suburbia. This beautiful Purple Iris is in the grounds of our local leisure centre. My lovely son enjoyed a two and a half hour swim, whereas I was out after an hour. I looked through my photos by the side of the pool while he swam and the staff came and told me I needed permission to take photos of people in the pool. I happily told them I had no interest in people, only flowers - Andy later told me that was a weird thing to say but I just meant photographically.

Purple Iris flower essence is a Higher Vibrational Remedy that is specifically for spiritual, psychic or visionary artists. If you produce visual art in any form - textiles, photography, paint, sculpture - Purple Iris will help you to connect more with the spirit of your work, leading to greater creativity and spiritual connection.

Some artists choose to capture angels, spirit guides and other esoteric subjects making Purple Iris a wonderful choice for them.

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