Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


I know it's ironic that I go on a photography workshop on Saturday, get completely inspired yet still continue to take terrible photos. Lost cause... but I really wanted to share hornbeam and its healing message and this is the best shot I could get of a very tall, ancient and beautiful tree. A fellow workshop attendee emailed me with directions of how to find this tree so thanks go to Dave, it's a real beauty.

Hornbeam is the perfect flower essence for a Monday because it helps to release those Monday morning feelings of being back at work and finding it hard to motivate yourself to do mundane tasks.

Hornbeam flower essence is for mental fug - that deadening feeling you can get if you spend too much time at the computer or TV; a mental listlessness rather than physical depletion. This mental listlessness can lead to procrastination; putting off doing the things you need to do that would make you feel so much better if only you could find the enthusiasm to do them.

If you feel like you have been cut off from your creativity and inspiration and are just doing the same old monotonous routine, then hornbeam will bring you a fresh perspective.

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