Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Busy busy busy

A day at mum and dad's. Mum was having her hearing aids checked and serviced, along with her ears. The hearing aids passed.

Afterwards, I was doing some further clearing of some of the overgrown parts of my parents garden when Fire and Rescue arrived two doors up, all lights blazing.
The old lady there who I have known for 62 years had managed to get herself trapped between her inside and outside front doors. A situation made dramatically worse because of her condition. 
Carers had been able to get in their normal way using the key-safe, but, they were unable to find any keys for the front doors. She had them with her but was too confused and upset to work out what to do. We suspect she may have been there some little while.
The fireman ended up drilling out the lock and withdrawing what was left in order to release the door using some new fangled equipment specifically for this type of job - previously they would have had to put a window through. They even replaced the damaged lock with a new one afterwards. Super guys. 

The old lady was helped back in doors and soon calmed down with the aid of some oxygen and sweet tea - thankfully no harm done.
Last week, she sadly went missing, and , was found by the police at the suggestion of another neighbour in the adjacent town. 
It is causing my parents who have known her since the late 50's some considerable concern. There are now seemingly few options left or available to look after and keep safe our elderly and vulnerable people. 

Today's photo is yet more macro shots on my return home of one of the endless and constantly busy visitors to the lavender in the garden.

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