Living my dream

By Mima

Cape Wanbrow

Thank you for the love and sympathy for Bean from yesterday’s blip. It is very much appreciated and it has all been passed onto herself who is lapping it up ;-) She is still demonstrating slight after-effects of the feijoa, but is generally completely normal and keen to do everything as usual.

It’s been another cracker day during which we had an unexpected trip into town, which entailed a couple of extra short walks in case of emergency dog-downloads.

Thus it was that we found ourselves sitting at Friendly Bay in Oamaru, listening to surf gently lapping onto the shingle beach and watching terns and shags pass by on the way to and from their roosts. It was one of those moments of pure harmony and peace.

Until the Beanbag decided she wanted to get going again and stuck her nose in my ear. Moment shattered!

The blip is a shot taken from the Bay of Cape Wanbrow where Bean and I walk so often. The tree-covered areas are the Reserve through which we puff up and down most times we’re in town.

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