Ne’er Cast a Clout ‘till May is out

I know the meaning of the term is disputed, with some people believing May refers to the month, with others going along with the idea that May refers to the blossom of the Hawthorn tree.
Well, with me it is the latter, and the May is well and truly out, filling the hedgerows with masses of flowers. And I’ve dispensed with two layers of clothing.
We had a lovely mindful walk in Hamilton woods this morning. As usual we saw no one.
While in the wood the birdsong was loud and plentiful. Lots of chattering and squawking, but no buzzards to be heard. I could hear the wind in the tree tops, but was well sheltered. It’s mixed woodland so there are too many shades of green to count. All looking lush and healthy. When we left the wood to walk around the fields we left the chorus of birdsong behind, to be replaced with the beautiful song of the skylarks as they hovered above. The sun was warm on my face, and the stronger wind out in the open wasn’t at all cold. As we walked along the edge of a field two hares ran parallel to us just over the fence in the next field. Further on we both noticed a family of hares in the field ahead of us. They were too far away for a decent photo, but we stood and watched them playing. Two adults and two young playing happily in the sun, oblivious to us watching them.
Back through the woods on the way to the car I noticed some lovely leaf shadows on a stone. Extra.

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