Reed and Sedge

Today began wet, so we donned the waterproofs, and of course, as we reached our destination, the rain stopped. Our walk was from Snape Maltings, along the Alde Estuary, then up to Snape Warren. That part of the estuary is lined with reeds, and as it was quite still, there was a lot of visible activity from Reed Warblers, Reed Buntings (see extras) and one of my favourites, Sedge Warblers. We saw our first House Martins of the year, and a couple of Egyptian Geese also added to our year tally. Once we got up onto the Warren, we spotted a Woodlark, which was what we had been  hoping for. We had a pleasant pack lunch on the best bench in the world, before retracing our steps to the Maltings.

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