I Am Watching You

A relatively calm day with some nice sunshine and big fluffy white clouds. I went to put some fuel in the Jag and enjoyed a leisurely drive home. I took the long way round, no point putting fuel in it if you aren't going to use it. Is there?

This afternoon, a  very pleasant few hours in the garden, making it nice for who knows whom.  I also had some time with the camera, recording some of the aspects of the back garden and house.

Hollie regarded me with curiosity, and no little amount of suspicion. She knows something is going on. So very perceptive these dogs. Not as daft as you think!

Meeting with Estate Agent tomorrow, moving on.

I must say thank you to everyone who has kindly commented and offered advice on my current upheaval. Its all a bit mad and seems like a dream somehow.. 

But it will be alright on the night, as the saying goes.

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