Portal time

...... with Hayley. Her house is just about coming to an end of extensive building work. The whole back of her house was removed in January and she's had builders in constantly since then. Washing up in the bath, makeshift kitchen moved from one area to another, the living area confined to an upstairs bedroom etc etc. We're. waiting to start that disruption. So, here is the portal in our makeshift kitchen, and Hayley in her makeshift living area. One day we will all be straight, and then won't know what to do with ourselves.

Hayley hasn't seen our new house, so she had a 'virtual tour' with me holding the portal, and J the extension cable with power to said portal. Job done, she. now doesn't need to hurry down from Manchester to see it.

The kitchen fitter was talking to Hayley when 2 year old Reggie said he wanted to dress as a Princess! We laughed, then the fitter said he liked to dress up as a Princess when he was little! Reggie loves a bit of bling and glamour. So here he is as Princess Reggie, and it's the only piccy I've taken today. 

We did some childcare with Jodie's three. School run and then looked after Louis. Setting my alarm for 6.30am. Getting up at that time was not easy! I've become really lazy now I'm not tearing off to dog shows all the time.

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