
By bananablip

A book lovers delight

Apparently I didn’t charge enough for photographing last weekend’s wedding blessing, so along with an extra bit of cash, I also got given a hefty book token. These people certainly know the way to my heart. I immediately went online and ordered a few trail running books. I was trying to explain to one of my friends the other day about our family’s obsessive nature. Once we are into something we are into something! For me, it’s certainly running up hills at the moment, but since it’s not harming anyone else, I am just going with it. 39 years of living in this body tells me that the phase won’t last, so enjoy it while I can.

Today at school we were joined by a conservation charity so we made bird boxes and laid down some reptile mats in the local graveyard. They’re trying to re-wild it at the moment and the young people certainly had some fun playing hide and seek in the long grasses. We also held a slow worm, which is basically a snake in my eyes.

After my mentoring and lunch clubs, I was ready for it to be the end of the week. It’s been a busy one and I must admit, I even managed a cheeky post-work nap.

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