
By tfb

Wide field camera: fifth frame

This image shows much the same scene as the fourth: the camera has pulled back and panned slightly right.  More faults are visible in the right of the image.  This is the last of this series of images.

Once more, close examination of the small fragments in the image reveal what seems almost certain to be fragments of debris from vegetation.  It seems now beyond any doubt that this planet either hosts life or has done in the recent past.  This is, of course, a most astonishing discovery and, if borne out, would fully justify the expense and risk of the programme.

Sadly such a discovery would also explain why the programme was liquidated.  Although their leader is only slightly aware that life exists outside of his own head, is certainly not security cleared for any information about the programme and would not understand it if he was, there are other johnsonites who, while far from intelligent, are perhaps a little less dim.  And some of them know, and have long known, of the programme.   Their horror at the idea that a place they regard only as a small, poor, northerly province inhabited by stunted, slightly fractious, people with strange accents had achieved something that mighty England had not dreamt of attempting, and had achieved it on a budget smaller than their expenses claims and backhanders, can only be imagined.  Union flags would have been waved furiously, rousing military music played, cocaine snorted, concubines acquired, used, and disposed of.  No, this could not be allowed: the programme must end, must never have been.

But it seems the programme did not end.  And, perhaps the programme indeed still continues, under the guidance of those strange, small, slender, dark people who you may find there, if they wish to be found.

The programme will rise again.

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