
Helle and I met this morning to train dogs. We had excellent training and enjoyed it.

The fun was spoilt a bit, when a woman arrived train her German Shepherd Dog. She tried to train behind some bushes, but we still saw her be very hard on the dog. I felt so sorry for the dog. I really thought people knew better nowadays and that nobody used old-fashioned punishment based training techniques anymore. 

As we were packing our stuff back in the cars after our training, another GSD owner came and wanted to do some tracking with his dog... He asked us what kind of training we did. "Heelwork To Music" we replied. "Oh..." he said... "Well... as long as the dogs have fun and enjoy it...". I don't think he thought much of our sport :-D

Luckily we had a better ending to the day as we went out for lunch before we went home. 

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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