
By Paladian

Two fer.....

...the price of one!

I have caught the Rower's heavy cold and I won't let on how long it took me to actually get a usable image today. It's not that there wasn't a lot around - there was, and I even saw a blue banded bee, which is very late in the season. My reflexes seem to be extremely slow, and by the time I saw something and got ready to take an image, it had long gone.

And I was fooling around trying a new technique. It seems that you spin the camera whilst taking an image at a slow shutter speed and a low ISO. It's supposed to come out like a circle - but I think I need to practise a while before inflicting such an experiment on my fellow Blippers.

Autumn is the time of year when all the natural world starts to think about mating. A bit different to the northern hemisphere I know. But the weather is cooling down, and it's time to start picking a mate, building nests, and getting ready to lay eggs in August. August is late winter, but it's essential to get everything under way before Spring actually starts.

These two little New Holland Honeyeaters were feeling decidedly frisky. I could tell!!

And.... good end to yesterday's story. Spencer did come from the property across the road, but his owners are in Melbourne at the moment. I found a mutual friend who knew the code to their brand spanking new electric gate, and we took Spencer home this morning. (He and his mates do have someone coming to feed them every day). He looked awfully small and lonely as the gate closed on him.

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