Living my dream

By Mima


A busy day in the garden and kitchen ended with a later-than-usual walk with Bean.

The sun was low as we headed down the road, and indeed by the time we reached home again it had disappeared behind the mountains at the top of the valley. The temperature has plummeted (as temperature does) and we might even get our first frost tonight.

In the tunnel house raised beds I continue to deal with the hard pan layer and clay-clods. I have now completed just over half of it. The extra shows the work in progress. Once this bed is raked to a reasonable tilth I shall dig in heaps of good compost.

Pumpkins are ingredient of the day / week / month in the kitchen. Today it was a batch of soup and a large lasagne, much of which will be frozen in individual slices.

More people round here are coming down with Covid. It has reached the woopwoops at last. I am keen to avoid finding out how I respond to the virus and will be even more cautious for a while.

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