Happy Monday

We have a goodbye ceremony when people leave our division at work. Today the ceremony was for my unofficial boss. They have a lot of silliness including reading a certificate. I read the certificate and hammed it up. It was a fun way to start the day. 

This weekend at a concert in St. Petersburg, thousands of concertgoers at a concert by Kis-Kis chanted, "F the war!" 

Stupid people have decided the letter Z will be a symbol associated with support for the invasion. Everyone with any sense knows it stands for Zorro but whatever. In April a band called DDT refused to perform on a stage with a Z on it. On Thursday the leader of the band was arrested for making incredibly critical remarks about the invasion. 

Russians have begun using coded messages to protest. There is one that has three asterisks, representing, "nyet" and below it five asterisks, representing the word for, "war." 

Some have begun spray painting images associated with the ballet, Swan Lake. There is a Soviet Union-era tradition of broadcasting music from this ballet whenever a major leader passed away. oooooooooooh

A Russian television show showed off a giant, rare, specialized weapon. Apparently the Ukrainians used the broadcast to figure out where it was and blew it up. 

A Russian diplomat quit. "Never have I been so ashamed of my country." Why did Boris Bondarev take so long? He said he should have resigned three months ago but he had unfinished family business and "had to gather my resolve."

Like Mcdonald's, Starbucks is no longer on hold. Starbucks is leaving Russia, permanently closing 130 coffee shops. 

Ukrainians are targeting helpless street names and monuments. Actually, they were tearing down Soviet and Russian statues for years now. They are changing street names. Five metro stations will be renamed. 

Zelensky has been seen wearing an olive-green jacket sometimes. The jacket is now in really high demand. The company has received requests from around the world. One of the jackets actually worn by Zelensky was sold for $110,000 for a charity fundraiser in London, which is rather high for used clothing. 

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