Soccer and Beach!

A beautiful day today! The kids and I went to the shops this morning to get a present for a boy in Spencer's class for tomorrow then his friend, Brent, came over for a play.

Spence had soccer this morning as well, his second game. It;s funny watching 5 year olds playing because they pretty much run away from the ball or just follow it around! There isn't much killer instinct yet! They are all just learning though and it's very cute! They didn't get a goal today and the other team got about 5!

We came home for lunch and then met Fleur and her family at the beach. The water has cooled down a bit from a couple of weeks ago but was still lovely! The kids got colder quicker though! Joti shows no fear and got wiped out by a wave or two! She came up smiling though! I even got to go out and catch a few waves on the boogie board!!

We came home and put the kids in the bath and then we started watching the first Harry Potter movie with Spence. I bought him the Harry Potter Lego Wii game then other day and we have played that a bit. We watched about half of it and then Spence was a bit scared so we stopped! We will try again another day!

Here is Spence and Ted at the beach this afternoon!

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