Family Run!

This we got up and all four of us went for a 1 km run! It was Spence's idea so we put Joti in the running pram and off we went! Spence stopped about 7 times but made it in 8 minutes! Pretty good for his first run! At one stage he stopped and said his heart was tired!!

We also had a birthday party today at the bike park for one of Spence's classmates, Dom. It was a beautiful day and the kids had a great time!

We came home, Joti had a sleep while Spence watched the rest of Harry Potter then we went over to Sharon and Craig's house who are new parents to our Prep class! We had two new kids start this term at school. They have a big house on the canal but it wasn't ideal for Joti! There were no proper fences outside to stop her going into the water and the pool wasn't fenced properly either! Kaz and I spent the whole time taking turns following Joti around or holding her!

Here are Joti, Kaz and Spence at the end of our run this morning!

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