Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Three and a half men in a kilt!

A slow start after last night's lashings of wine excitement at the See Us Exhibition. But another nice day prompted us to take a wee drive to South Queensferry. Our visitors had not been there. A trip to Inchcolm Island was mentioned, but that idea was abandoned when we arrived and felt the chilly breeze and saw the choppy water.

We started with scones and a cuppa, of course, then had a wander along the town to investigate the harbour on the other side of bridge, and that was a great place for blips - I shall return another day. It had lots of old run down corrugated iron buildings of the sort that Sara Lund used to love prowling about in at night.

As we were coming back, I spied the black kilted groom (not to be confused with the kilted black groom) and best man posing for photos with the bridge as a backdrop. I took a few shots and walked on. Who should rush by, but the wee kilted chap and another man in a kilt heading along for the group photos. So of course I followed them, and had good fun snapping away while the photographer kindly organised them, so I included the photographer in the shot.

We passed by the bikers' convention - and saw some sights - and not just the amazing bikes! We had a drink in the famous Hawes Inn, where Robert Louis Stevenson wrote part of Treasure Island, and indeed, it features in the story. Our visitors have some stamina left and have popped in to the Portrait Gallery, but I have run out of steam and am busying myself at home blipping arranging the next long weekend.

A quiet evening in front of the big screen beckons. Possibly with popcorn.

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