
By fennerpearson

Crossing a line

Friday and off to Leeds to meet with a chap with whom we do a bit of business and whose company I enjoy.

Carless, still, I had to get to Ribblehead to pick up the train. I should have hired the car from the garage but I decided to book the local taxi, which, unfortunately, ended up being more expensive. Although that wasn't the worst of it...

Getting into the taxi, I asked the taxi driver how he was. Well, we started off with some fairly casual updates but then, once my seatbelt was on and the car was moving to fast for me to try and jump out, he said "Anyway, I've been having this trouble with my bowels." I will spare you the rest.

After this unwelcome start to the day, however, the rest of Friday was really rather good. I like Ribblehead railway station, although I'm still not quite sure why anyone would build a proper railway station in the middle of nowhere. I went from there to Leeds, met up with Mike, had some coffee and then lunch, talking about films and work and comics and families and everything as you do with people you like and get on with and then it was back to the station for the return trip to Ribble head.

There's no bridge at Ribblehead and so you have to cross the tracks to get back to the car park. I nipped ahead so that I could get this shot and then met the taxi driver. On the way back we moved on from matters medicinal to his career in the army, including his tours of Northern Ireland. He had some incredible tales to tell and even the journey was only twenty odd minutes long, I arrived home full of respect for him (if not all aspects of his conversation making!).

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