Super Gut

By supergut

Calm before storm

Been a wicked day. Don't know what's wrong, but it's been rainin' n' shinin' the whole day. When I left to school it was just usual cloudy day. But then it changed. Clouds went away, all I could see in the sky was brightblue backgroung and sun. I went home. 15 minutes and it was raining. And it was raining hard! Hailing and everything. Sat like a hour on computer, then looked out. Shining again...?

That happened like 3 or 4 times today. raining-shining-raining-shining-raining-shining etc.

It's fun though. I guess plants didn't matter the unusual weather conditions today. Everything is blooming. And more colourful.

And it's pretty weird to have both umbrella and sunglasses with me when going outside... xD

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