Super Gut

By supergut


Another one of my dear collections. Or should I call this collection? I don't know. These are just tickets that I have more or less gathered to my notice board. I once cleared it already so I really have had much more of this kind of tickets. But from now on, I will really start collecting them.

My really first driving lesson today!!!!!!
Even though my driving school starts in July...
Had to get a bit "feeling" to my car. I'm already virtually tuning it and will probably also supercharge it (once I learned to drive first). I have looong shopping list already.
(Thank god I have summerjob :D:D:D:D)
We went to the parking lot of Messukeskus and drove circle in there, using turn signal and stopping every 50 meters... I also tested the acceleration abit, though never "stepped on it". It feels much faster behind the wheel than as a passenger.

same or higher speeds, bigger parking lot.

Other collections:
5cnt coins

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