No escape from Coventry

The view from my 13th floor hotel room. Yep, they have a 13th floor. Apparently this building was something like a BT exchange before it became a hotel. It certainly isn't particularly adapted to the latter purpose.

We were given a bit of time off for good behaviour between classes and dinnertime to watch the shadows lengthen across the magnificent metropolis of Coventry. Later on we were taken to a Warwickshire gastropub, which claims to be 2013's top dining experience in Warwickshire. One of the recent tripadvisor reviews commented that it was full of Solihull business men when they were there. Certainly the cars in the carpark seemed to indicate that it might not attract the sort of clientele that I hang out with on a regular basis. None the less, the food was pleasant enough, the company fine, and the evening was topped off with a couple of drinks in the hotel bar where (I have this on good authority) a group of men were 'ordering in' some female accompaniments on the first night we were there. Luckly not on Friday, when it was absolutely deserted.

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