Batalla de Genios...

...Asha's favourite game - a fast paced logic game. She's currently beating Mitch...
Big news today is that (*drumroll*) we've got the property we want to have as a homeless shelter!!!! Unbelievable how much can change in a week!! This time last week we were feeling low because this property was off the table! The landlady came and visited the San Antonio centre and talked through her questions with us. She enjoyed the centre, the peaceful ambience and the prayer room...and was happy enough to offer her property to us!! Woohoo! So exciting! So we just need to decide when to start the contract from. Can't believe it!
Late afternoon I saw Claire  - really good to natter and catch up. And then back for board games with Mitch for the kids and later a celebratory tea of noodles with a movie. 
A good day but with the strangeness of Mitch packing all his things up - he's totally ready now. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Meeting Catalina and both parties being able to reassure the other one that they want a harmonious relationship. And of course, being given the contract!!
2) Lovely messages with Amanda and Juliette.
3) So many people being delighted re the centre and praying for us and it. 

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