
No ballet this morning so when the Jedi was having a early nap I tackled the front lawn. I couldn't do all the edging as it took longer than expected. The Jedi and Harp helped do the back garden once he was awake. 

The Wildlings have been super busy today. The bigger three played out in the street with their friend for over two hours and then they have cycled 6 miles. Harp was amazing and cycled on her balance bike all the way there and halfway back. Carson had her awake at 5am so should sleep tonight. 

We are currently waiting on a Chinese takeaway for dinner. And the Wildlings are playing in the garden. They definitely need chucked in the bath. They filthy. 

The Jedi made my older neighbour cry happy tears today. When I was out front pumping up all the bike tyre's the boys shouted hello to her from the kitchen. And Carson then shouted " hello Joan". She was beyond happy and started to cry. She is a retired teacher so totally understands Carson. 

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