Blippish Columbia

By OllieG90

Welcome to Middle Earth

Early start of 5.30am in order to get the bus from campus down to Stansted for a lunchtime flight out to Santander. Managed to get some journal reading done on the plane which got me up to steam with Karst Geomorphology, the focus for this week's trip. We're off to Orgarrio, a little village in the Cantabrian Cordillera about 20km from Santander to learn all about Karst and piece together the Geomorphology of the Landscape since the Quaternary, the period between now and about 2million years ago.

It is brilliant to be back in Spain. I've missed it loads and although we're not back in Barcelona, Santander and the mountains will do me just fine. Arriving in Orgarrio we were treated to a typically huge Spanish spread complete with croquetas, jamon and vino, everything you need! The place we're staying is dead cute and the people who run it seem lovely.

Its good to get to know the other guys on the trip too. After a year abroad last year I don't know many people in geography but it seems like the group are friendly and up for a laugh which is always good.

Todays photo came from a lookout point just before we descended down to Ogarrio.

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