Impoftheyard's photos

By impoftheyard

Why dangle?

This photo was taken with auto white balance setting on the camera. I kind of liked the effect created when it was coping with natural light on our faces and the lights in the background so I haven't adjusted it at all except to resize. The title? Well I decided I would check how wide angle the lens was and my friend said "What? Why dangle?" That made me laugh which you can see here. Another caption suggested by my friend was "This mirror's rubbish". That made me laugh too...

It's been a good day. I was really quite productive getting things sorted at home and then I went out to meet my friend. I cycled again and really enjoyed it. It has been a glorious sunny day here and in the last week or so, I have had energy levels that I've not had for ages. That's been great and cheers me greatly.

Hope you're all having a good Tuesday blippers.

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