Tirrick an Dyooks

A calmer and warmer day, no northerly winds.  There was a few showers this morning, but cleared with sunny spells. 

Early shift in the airport this week.  A few spells on the check-in desk, but mostly been working with oil and gas flights.  I had Susan up with me today, showing her the ropes at the heli end.  A few hours in the peat hill this evening, and now an early night. 

It was fine over lunchtime, and managed to get out for a brisk walk.  Where there's no sign of bird flu, there's plenty of activity with the birds.  I took a moment to watch the tirricks (Arctic Tern) fly about, they are so agile in the air.  This tirrick settled down for a rest on a rock, and then the duck family came by.  Mam, dad and three ducklings all looking healthy.  Taken at Grutness, Sumburgh.  

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