With the group.

This morning saw a group of camera club members meet for coffee and then on to Siddick Ponds.  Another nature day.  It was a great morning chatting and listening to ideas and yes there were herons.  They were a distance away so difficult to get a sharp hand held photo, but I did try.  They weren't sharp enough to share.  One day.  Plenty of goslings of various sizes guarded closely by their parents.  When appropriate these geese flapped wings extended their necks and chased off a swan.  The view today shows a general view.  Like yesterday's photo, it is near industry, a busy road and a shopping mall.  However, it is quiet.  Lots of sun while out, but it had rained and by the clouds there could be more rain on the way, but this is Lakeland weather.  The extra is a photo of the unusual  geese we saw.  A variety that was not on the identity board. (Time to clean camera again too.)

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