Magical Woods

Today's walk was done in almost continuous rain. If it wasn't actually raining it was dripping from the trees from the previous shower. Note the way Jan and Dave are dressed. It was sunny when we decided to go, cloudy but dry as we set off, and raining before we'd gone 50 metres! This British weather is tricky!
As I took this picture I was waiting for Bramble to join the others but she refused to run forward. I think she was worried that the pack wasn't together and was staying back to chivy me along.
After many years of walking in Swedish forests I find these beech woods exotic, really majestic. They give a slight feeling of what a temperate rain forest would be like if nature was left to take its course.
We nearly made it up to the Wainwright Stone again but there was a herd of cows with calves in the final field and we decided to leave them in peace.

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