Day 3

O didn’t wake until 730 this morning :-). Although he slept all the way through, he makes little noises and mumbles whilst sleeping which meant his Nanna woke to every little sound ;-D

I arranged to take him to Wisley with B in the afternoon but the weather forecast wasn’t good.  We still decided to chance it.  When we arrived we sat under a canopy so O could have his little picnic lunch I had packed for him.  Then the heavens opened and it poured down with a flash of lightening and clap of thunder to go with it.  We watched as we had our cup of tea and O finished his lunch.  By the time we were ready, the rain had stopped and we enjoyed the rest of our walk without any interruption.

Nat arrived not too long after I got home to pick O up and take him home.  

Just in case you thought you’d get away with another baby pic, I’ve included an extra that Lucy took this morning (notice the jumper that I bought from John Lewis in the sale for next Christmas ;-D. Its so blooming chilly!!).

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