The long and winding road...

So my mate and I took our bikes out for an evening bimble up to The Old Neighbourhood at Stroud, where the Vintage MCC were meeting. No worries, a nice little ride with a pint at the end. However, I missed a turn and allowed the sat nav to reconfigure... take the next (and quite tight) left...

So we did. It's called Marle Hill, and I can't give you a Google Maps view of it because clearly the Google car driver had better sense than I. It rapidly becomes an unforgiving single width track and starts heading steeply up at something like 1:3 with sharp bends, some very sharp.

And of course, around one of those sharp bends was a truck parked in the road, all of the road. The driver was reluctant to reverse (and in truth there was a smell of burnt clutch after he had), but he moved into a garden and we managed to squeeze past.

The turnout of bikes was very pleasant to walk around. The red Ariel reminded me strongly of an old Joe Cotton machine I once owned and wish I still did. It would have laughed at the hill and climbed over the lorry.

We took a different route home. Morrigan did very well. ;-)

(widwed010622 : geometric shapes and patterns... well, there are triangles and circles and thick knobbly tyre treads...)

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