Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

What jubilee? Where?

The day began with an SMS from OpenRent, which is the equivalent of AirBnB for long-term rentals, where people with properties to let use a website as an interface to make arrangements with a potential client until such time as both parties feel safe enough to meet up in person.
The upshot is that after a bit of “When's good for you?” and “No, I'll fit in around you!” I have booked myself a viewing of another flat in Bedford for Friday. And then, while that was all going on, I got a message from my AirBnB host to begin similar negotiations.
So I was juggling two conversations in which we were all being very polite and bending over backwards not to inconvenience anyone else at the same time as checking the train timetable to see when I could reasonably arrive and leave.
So tomorrow I will view a flat that is a four minute walk from the railway station, and from there my AirBnB is another eleven minute walk, where I will dump my stuff and go exploring the joys of Bedford.
And on Saturday the flat to view is another ten minute walk from my AirBnB.
Total cost including return travel from Henley still less than half the price of one night in the hotel that I cancelled.
I'm starting to feel a great deal happier about Bedford.
And my Henley letting agent showed two couples round this tiny flat today, a third appointment cancelled. My goodness you'd have to be awfully fond of someone to share this tiny space.

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