
oops! My original entry for today was a collage of images taken of my TV screen which has now been deleted by Blip central as apparently it is in breach of copyright.  Seems weird when folk can upload pictures of book covers or other people's photos and images, but rules is rules I guess. Anyway, it's gone, and as I took no other pics, my new image uses  the portions of one of my photos without the TV screen - good job it's Abstract Thursday. 

Meanwhile, here's the text I originally wrote for today: 
Online tutoring this morning my one remaining regular student as I've been winding down this 'hobby'. Chores followed before a couple of hours with BBC1's excellent coverage of the Platinum Jubilee pageant. Oh my, but we Brits do a grand and colourful ceremonial pomp and circumstance. Splendiferous ceremonial costumes, magnificent horses and an overwhelming sense of Glory Days. An uplifting celebration of pageantry and cheer. How wonderful to see such crowds in the Mall, how nice to see Her Majesty smile. Happy and Glorious.

The rest of the afternoon was spent swimming and poolside on another relentlessly sunny day.

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