Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Beauty without a Name

I know this plant has a name. I just can't remember what it is. It blooms I think once a year and when it does the flowers are spectacular--hanging below the deck just outside our kitchen window. Once bloomed, the flower only lasts a day or two--then shrivels, wilts, and is gone.

Mr. Fun's dad planted this in a large pot and gave it to us many years ago. Grandpa Fun (actually, he called himself, Grumpy Grandpa, and he was rather a grump. He loved plants and flowers more than people and his backyard is/was a paradise haven but he didn't want people there. Surely that behavior had something to do with his upbringing). Grandpa Fun died a couple years ago, so he can't help us with the name of this plant. Grammie Fun still lives in their house with the garden paradise, but it is difficult for her to keep it all wonderful. Someday maybe I'll blip their beautiful yard--with fish pond and cabana. They custom built the house and the backyard is amazing.

We have several lovely potted plants--ferns and succulents--that he brought here to our backyard. I thought this was maybe a Christmas cactus, but I searched the Internet some and didn't find anything to match this flower. It doesn't matter. I want to share its beauty with you.

It's been a lovely Monday in May. We awoke to "June gloom," which is overcast skies, cool air, but a promise of summer in the near future. As adults we love the thin blanket of gray holding back the sun for a few morning hours and then the sun bursts through and a mild breeze caresses our skin and the day is enjoyable. I've managed to accomplish lots of teacher stuff these past several days, so I'm feeling some relief. I hope you've had a good day. In a few moments it will be time to open my online office for students to visit should they need to or want to. So I'll be going now.

Tomorrow I'll blip some more and will be looking at yours this evening in between students. So carry on until next time.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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