Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

A Walk through Our Neighborhood

When we arrived home this afternoon (Mr. Fun drove me to and from the campus today because my car is in the shop), Bob dog had been home alone since 10 a.m., we knew he'd enjoy a walk. So we attached his leash and the three of us were out the door and gone--a late afternoon walking adventure for sure!

It's been a lovely warm pre-summer day. As we walked, first I clicked the beautiful Bird of Paradise. Then I saw the lavendar gladioluses. Then from a distance we saw California poppies--bright orange and much smaller than George's, then red roses, and finally more magnolias from the same tree that I blipped on Saturday. Once in my camera, the magnolias were a little fuzzy. So I'll try those again another day.

Capturing photos the entire way made the walk more than fun.

Then a little while ago I opened blipfoto just in time to see the thumbnail of what George had posted. I just laughed and giggled and felt so honored. This blip place never ceases to amaze me with wonder, awe, encouragement, and friends who I've never met.

Then I saw what Sense of Purpose posted and I was delighted all over again--Deb's "world famous" Big Fat Soap!

If I had a glass of champagne (and I don't), I'd lift it high to commend the entire Blipfoto family! Cheers everyone! I wonder if Joe even had a clue what he was birthing when he launched this sight (I think I just mixed metaphors--don't tell my students). I'm so thankful for him and all at blipcentral, and all of you!

Then knowing that my "Big Fat Soap" friend Deb is just about 90 minutes from here in Palm Springs at a soap conference is fun too. What do you suppose they do at a soap conference?

So as this Tuesday slowly meanders to a close, I'm thankful for the ability to walk, for a dog who loves me no matter what, for Mr. Fun who walked around the block with me, for all the neighbors who plant and nurture flowers, for all the fun, interesting, and beautiful photos each of you post. It's almost 8:30 here on the West Coast of America, so I'm going to take another peek to see what some of you have posted. Until tomorrow, carry on!

Rosie (& Mr. Fun and Bob dog), aka Carol

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