Out of the rubble..................

.......................Came a house.

A year ago we blipped a pile of rubble!

This morning I took Ozzy, my very gorgeous golden retriever, for a walk along the lane. The llamas have had babies and I thought we could play at chasing them. Unfortunately for me, Ann sometimes knows what I'm thinking so she said, 'Molly, if you even just think about leading Ozzy astray I'll put you both back on your leads'.

During the week when we go along the lane there's lots of builders working on this house so we can't have a proper nose about. Today Ann stopped when we got to the house. She said, 'Let's blip it while there's no one about'. Well, I immediately just sat down ready to be blipped because I knew that the sooner I'm blipped the sooner I can go off playing again. ....................And I wanted to show Ozzy the horse field. Unfortunately it took ages to get Ozzy into position and then just before Ann blipped us he stood up and started wandering off??!!! So this is the best we can do.

Anyway this is an 'eco-friendly' house. Still haven't a clue what 'eco friendly' means apart from the fact that it's got solar panels. Apparently the house that stood here just over a year ago cost approximately £600 to build in the 1930/40's. Haven't a clue how much this one is costing.

This is the back of the house. There's a couple of big balconies and a garden at the front, all of which have fantastic sea views. And in the basement is a swimming pool and a cinema.

Haven't a clue who owns it?

..............But I bet it's going to be a 'holiday let'!!!!!

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