Look how far I've come!

Tonight Ann is really, really pleased with me. She has given me loads of cuddles & treats. ..................Shall I tell you why?

Me and Ozzy, my gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, can now be fed right next to each other. Ann is so, so happy.

When Ozzy first started coming to stay with me I had a really bad 'possessive eating disorder'. I was very, very possessive with food and no way would I let Ozzy have anything to eat. Even though I love Ozzles, I was so horrible to him when food was involved that I had to be shut out of the room when Ozzy was eating.

Anyway Ann worked really hard with me and eventually she managed to feed us both at the same time as long as I couldn't see Ozzy and give him the evils!!!

Today Ann said, 'Molly, I think you're ready for the next stage in your training. I'm going to put your dinner right next to Ozzy's bed. You must not intimidate him. I want you both to eat together.'

.......................And do you know what? We did!!!!!!

How brilliant is that?????????????


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