Easter Sunday

Where has the gorgeous weather that we had on Friday gone?

On my morning walk it was positively beautiful....................................... But it’s gone downhill ever since.

At lunch time we went to the 'Balcony Bar' where the humans had massive cheese burgers & chips. And do you know what??? None of them gave me so much as a tiny little morsel........................ Even though you can see how nicely I’m lying under the table.

After lunch it was raining, so I got a very quick play on 'Bamaluz Beach' and then it was off to the 'Rum & Crab Shack' so that the humans could have another a bottle of wine??!!!

Ann doesn’t really like drinking in the afternoon but today she said, ‘Molly, it’s Easter Sunday, we’re out with friends, the weather is crap not very good, so what is one supposed to do on an Easter Sunday afternoon????

Well I know that Ann has two ‘Thorntons’ Easter Eggs so I thought that snuggling up on the sofa and sharing them might have been a better option than drinking a bottle of wine in a pub?????

Unfortunately I didn’t have a choice in the matter??!!!

Home now and I’ve gobbled up my dinner...................................

..............................And it’s still raining. Grrrrrrr...........................................................

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