The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Mix It Up

Dear O'H dear & Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Prince and I went to Basher’s mum’s funeral today.

We met another couple of friends outside and there was a sad acknowledgment that “we are all at that age”.

It was a beautiful day and we thought about going out for a couple of drinks when we came back but we were a bit wiped and staying in seemed like a much better option.

The Youngest Mini Princess was going to a party. I asked about the booze situation.

YMP: “There will be cider and vodka”

So I launched into my chat about being careful about house measures of spirits as they tend to be huge.

YMP (scoffing): “We’ll have mixers.”

Me: “I’d assumed that was a given and that you wouldn’t ever be drinking neat vodka”

Then I clocked the expression on her face and the sideways look at EMP. There are some things I probably don’t want to know!


PS in fairness, she was back pretty early (mildly tipsy at most) and on great form!

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