tempus fugit

By ceridwen

A pile of poo

Not, I assure you, my take on the Jubilations but rather a sight to gladden the eyes of any organic gardener, to whom rabbit droppings are worth their weight in platinum.

This year's surge in the bunny population locally means that every small prominence is heaped with the stuff, just waiting to be scooped up and added to a recipe for tomato fertilizer which also includes coffee grounds, egg shells, worm compost, seaweed and animal fur. Sounds yummy doesn't it?

Now read on it you want to know more on the subject of rabbit poo, which is remarkably interesting. These small pea-shaped pellets are their daytime poo. Rabbits also excrete another sort at night, which is not faecal. These are soft mulberry-like pellets called cecotropes, containing beneficial bacteria from inside the caecum. They are re-ingested immediately, being essential for healthy nutrition, in fact without them bunnies cannot thrive.

In this respect rabbits are one up on us humans because only in recent years have we realised how important is our internal microbiome (gut flora)  in protecting us against germs, breaking down food to release energy, and producing vitamins. In fact the best treatment for anyone who suffers from a chronic gut disorder is now  a stool transplant from a donor with a healthy microbiome. 

But, bunnies have been doing it forever.

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