
Catching sight of our roebuck in the field - he sleeps in the uncut area and is obviously a fan of, 'No mow May' but because of the dogs he doesn't venture too near but near enough for a lens. 

Hot footing it upstairs with long lens in tow and tripod and dogs and extenders I got him from the balcony window. I've done this before and know I can just reach the deer generally. 

I slogged on with the accounts this morning and then having had enough, way enough, decided to take the car over the Cotswold hills. Tilly decided to pile in on the passenger seat over the top of the camera bag plus the lens with camera attached  - I'd got the seat tipped back to accommodate it - and she looked at me so very pathetically that I caved in just shifting a few things round. Poor Poppy was oblivious and was left at home.

My diary says, 'Day 2 Texas' which I had to really pull out of with everything going on but if you guys read this have a great few days! I know you will! 

Think I need a name for my deer :)) Rodney Roebuck? Ralph ...

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